Benjamin 1 Routine 0

I’m trying to get Bunny in to a routine of sorts. Sometimes I think he is asleep and I’m half naked about to get in to the shower then he decides “no chick, come back here, it’s lunch time”. And I stand there thinking “I’m sure I fed him an hour ago? Or was it this morning? What time is it?”
With two boys I get confused and I’m muddling everything up. Last night I got Noah to bed nice and early and once he was asleep I realized that I hadn’t actually fed him. I stood outside his door for ten minutes considering the pros and cons of waking him up again for dinner. It’s a mess.
Then I read the baby book for answers and they were all like “Now that your 6 week old is in his routine, he should be doing this and this” And I felt so crap cause Ben wasn’t doing “that and that” at all.
So I sent Noah to bed without dinner and I’m not raising Ben properly. Great.
I grabbed a notebook and I’ve started writing down what Ben is actually doing.. times of feeds and naps etc. I don’t actually want to divulge my findings and this could serve as evidence should anyone call child services on me.

Then is morning I was getting the rabbit dressed and ready for the day. None of his clothes fit. I found something eventually and when I read the label it said “3 months”. That’s not right? He’s half that age. Crap. And that’s the only “3 month” size outfit the poor guy has. So I’ll be wrapping him in blankets until I can go get him a brand new wardrobe.

He last fed at 9am. It’s now 10:30 and he’s looking at me like I’m a chocolate cake and doing his open-mouth baby bird number, coupled with a pitiful whimper for effect. He’s not a dummy baby either. Not interested. Fantastic. I think he’s using me as a pacifier. This has to stop man, cause I need to start playing with work things, and I have a meeting this afternoon.
I know this is payback for Noah’s absolute perfection as a baby. You moms can stop sniggering now. You win.
